I am happy to announce that for the third year running SunPy has got a summer student from ESA’s SOCIS program. This year the student is Tomas Meszaros. Tomas’ project this summer will be working on creating a new core data type for SunPy, the HyperMap. Which will be designed to hold ND data with at least one spatial dimension and any combination of other axes such as Wavelength, Temperature or Time. This data type will allow us to support data from instruments such as Hinode EIS and the newly launched IRIS satellite, as well as a multitude of high resolution ground based instruments. Tomas will be documenting his progress on his blog: http://examon.wordpress.com as well as less regular more general interest posts on this site.
It gives me great pleasure to announce the release of a new version of SunPy. This version has been rather too long in the making, but is here at last!
Just over a year ago this post described a simple method for saving a movie of SunPy maps. Since then, SunPy and matplotlib have moved on, and I’d like to describe an updated method for animating SunPy maps, and saving the results as an mp4 file.
This year I was lucky enough to be able to attend the annual Scientific Python conference (SciPy 2013) in Austin, Texas. This was very kindly supported by a sponsorship from the conference organisers and sponsors.
Note: I have also a private blog which covers more advanced topics. The next post there will be about implementing custom caches and custom commands.
From our last post you may remember that SunPy is participating in GSOC-2013 under the PSF <http://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2013>`_ (!= Point Spread Function. Yesterday, Google announced the accepted candidates for their summer of code. If you look the list you will find between all these students that there are two whose projects is to work with SunPy.
SunPy is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2013 under the umbrella of the Python Software Foundation .