The SunPy project is happy to announce the release of SunPy 0.5.0. This release consists of 772 commits from 21 people including 9 new contributors, including the ability to co-align map cubes via template matching in scikit image, massive improvements to Map.rotate() including an implementation of an aiaprep calibration routine for SDO/AIA data and the ability to calculate GOES temperature and emission measure from GOES fluxes.
A poster on SunPy was presented at the SPD 2014 Meeting which took place in Boston. A copy of the poster is available online in the sunpy/presentations repo on github.
Wonderful news for SunPy! This year is the 10th edition of Google Summer of Code, and SunPy is participating again for the second year in a row! Remember how awesome it was last year when we got two amazing students? Well, this year is going to be twice as awesome! Why? Because SunPy has gotten twice as many students than in 2013. Let’s introduce them and their projects:
The latest version of SunPy along with an introduction to scientific computing in Python was presented at the 13th RHESSI Workshop on April 3rd, 2014. The presentation was well attended by about 20 people, a significant fraction of the total conference attendees! You can find the presentations (in the form of ipython notebooks) at the following locations
The SunPy community is pleased to announce the release of SunPy 0.4.0. This release contains many new features, some of which are contributed by people who participated in GSOC 2013. It includes the addition of a new local database for storing and searching data, it features a HEK to VSO translator and a new HELIO module in net. As well as this major work has been undertaken on the documentation and a new website developed.